Our FREE Web Class Reveals:

How I Built a Profitable Business on Social Media While Setting Up My Office Anywhere In The World


What You'll Find Inside:

How to Create a Successful Online Career Without a Social Media Following, No Technical Background or Any Prior Experience Necessary.

The Most Effective Way To Build An Income Using Automation.

The Secret Formula To How I Replaced My 9-5 Income Working Remotely From My Laptop And How You Can Implement It Immediately.

Meet Your Hosts! 


Kristen & Ashley

7 Figure Online Marketers​​​​​​

 Are you like us?

Stuck and unfulfilled...

Scared to take the leap of faith into something new... 


It's been so ingrained in your brain that the way to "make a living" and be successful is by surrounding yourself with the 4 walls of your cubicle.


You need to work your way up the corporate ladder, commute for 40+ years, pay bills and THAT is considered "adulting"... 


You have to put in the long, hard hours to prove yourself so that hopefully one of the higher-ups will notice you and put you in the pool of potential ladder climbers...  


Travel? Ha! Only 2 weeks of vacation per year.  


I'm here to tell you that there IS another way to do it...  


It IS possible to have it all...   

It IS possible to enjoy your morning coffee...

(to wake up without an alarm and spend all day with your dog)


Are You Ready?

Don't Take it From Me...

Here Are Some of My Other Freedom Seekers



After spending 5 years in college, a bachelor’s and master’s degree later, I finally landed that big girl job I had been tirelessly searching for!


It was everything I was hoping and planning for... (for the first 2 weeks that is). My life quickly turned into an autopilot routine and I realized this really wasn’t the life I had dreamed of.

Something. Had. To. Change.


Because I knew that NOT making a change was the thing keeping me stuck in that cubicle on autopilot day after day, dreaming of the life I could have.


So I did it! I made the change and I’m SO glad I followed that instinct and took the plunge!


I’ve been able to grow a whole skill set that I had absolutely no background in and created the Time Flexibility & Location Independence I’d been craving.


Kristen has been nothing short of an amazing Coach and Mentor. <3

She has been there for me every step of the way, especially during the new and somewhat scary beginning of my journey. 


But the beginning of my journey isn’t the only time she's been there by my side... Week by week, month by month she has been there to answer questions and guide me towards success.


And finally, after 5 months of being under her wing I was finally able to quit my 9-5 j.o.b. FOREVER!!!


I’m officially a Full Time Digital Nomad and I can't say that I could've done it without her. I now have more time for family, my hobbies, and the little things in life I didn’t have time to enjoy before.


I am so grateful to have found an opportunity that has given me so much Fulfillment and Freedom & I am so lucky to have stumbled upon an amazing coach who has helped me get to where I am today.



Before I started working onIine, I worked in corporate for 8+ years as an engineer. 

I did all the things you're supposed to do... go to college, get a good GPA, get a good job, and start climbing the corporate ladder. 

And while I didn't mind what I did, I always knew deep down that it wasn't something I wanted to do forever. 

What I really wanted to do was to travel the world, experience other cultures, learn new languages, and grow as a person thru it all.

But we all know that costs money. Which is why I kept doing what I was doing. 

I was financially secure, I made 6 figures! But over time, it started to wear on me. 

I could see upper management and the lives they were living and it was NOT the life I wanted. 

They were stressed, their health and personal relationships were being affected, and they weren't traveling like I wanted. 

So that's when I decided to make a change. I didn't want any regrets. 

And I am happy to say, I have none! 

Since I've started working for myself, I've grown so much as a person, it's insane.

I'm able to focus on my own well-being, work hard towards my own goals, and make a great income while doing it! 

Plus the training, support, and mentorship has been unreal. Meeting like-minded people thru this community has been one of the best parts! 

My favorite part is how I feel tho. I am confident, driven, and know that I am capable of doing anything I put my mind to! 

If you're on the fence, just do it already. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!



Hii friends! Let me start by saying CONGRATS on deciding to start diving into creating the life YOU desire <3


I was never the type of person that knew exactly what I wanted to do when I “grew up”. I went to college because that’s what was expected of me, but even after graduating, I still had no idea what I wanted.


HOW does any 23 year old know what they want for the next 45 years? They don’t!


I tried a ton of different paths, but wanted to use my degree SO badly, that I found myself in a career that not only made me miserable and Burnt Out, but had me crying every single day. I was 25 & there was NO way I was about to live this life for 40 years, just for retirement..


Sooo, I quit my job and 2 days later I found myself starting a career completely online. All of a sudden my passions became my brand & my brand became my business. I was able to be ME and live my ideal lifestyle. Not the lifestyle expected of me by others.


In the last 2 years I went from unfulfilled & confused about my future to confident, passionate and killin’ it online. ALL thru this opportunity! I’ve been able to retire myself & my fiancé from corporate FOREVER, create a multi 6 figure online business, and now travel around the U.S full time in our converted sprinter van with unlimited Time, Financial & Location Freedom!


I am forever grateful to have been given the opportunity to change my life & help so many others along the way!

Wow, you made it all the way to the bottom! Congrats!

If you're anything like me before I decided to take my own personal Leap of Faith, you probably find yourself daydreaming about that trip to Croatia or wondering what your dog is doing while you should be working. Scrolling through pictures on Facebook & Instagram wondering when you'll ever have enough vacation time to visit all 50 states. Constantly yearning to go hiking on a random Tuesday. Anxiously awaiting the next adventure that you had to plan out 6 months-1 year in advance. But there's a slight difference between you and me...

I Took Action. 

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